Safe Water Technologies, Inc.

Enews Xtra

Certification of Chemicals & Products for Purity
ANSI/NSF Stabndard 60 & 61

Owners and operators of public water systems need to ensure that chemicals used in treating public water supplies, and other products or coatings in contact with drinking water do not inadvertently cause contamination. In order to ensure such safety, it is required that such treatment chemicals and products meet purity standards and are manufactured under appropriate levels of cleanliness.

These standards are commonly known as the ANSI/NSF Standards 60 and 61. Chemical purity is addressed by Standard 60. The purity of products in contact with water is addressed by Standard 61. This certification of chemicals and products is required by government drinking water programs that implement the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Currently there are various entities providing the certification of treatment chemicals and products in accordance with the protocol of Standards 60/61; including NSF International, Underwriters Laboratory (UL), and the Water Quality Association (WQA).

NSF International (NSF) Logo Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Logo Water Quality Association (WQA) Logo

Owners or operators of public water systems are responsible for ensuring that chemicals and other products in contact with potable water are certified in accordance with NSF Standards 60 or 61 as appropriate. Chemicals or devices having this certification show the "logo" of the certifier on products or packaging, and thus it is very easy to identify if such products are certified. The "logo" for each of these certifying entities is shown above.

Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
1168 St. Charles Street, Elgin, IL 60120 USA
Tel +1.847.888.6900
Fax +1.847.888.6924

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