Filtration Media Anthracite
SWT Anthracites come from a superior vein of coal in the USA and are preferred by filter manufacturers around the world. All sieve sizes are available for multimedia applications as either support layers or pre-filtration layers.

Low uniformity coefficient anthracite filter media has less oversized and undersized particles resulting in a highly uniformed bed which extends the life and efficiency of a water treatment filter. Lower uniformity coefficients lead to longer filter runs, better effluent quality, less head loss, and reduced backwash rates. This means more saleable water produced at a lower cost of operation.
SWT anthracites meet all engineering specifications and/or can be custom specified. Meets or exceeds all ASI, AWWA, or ASME standards and protocols.

Standard packaging is either 2000 lb. supersacks or 1 cubic foot bags. The 1 cubic foot bags are banded, skidded, and shrink wrapped for reliable transport.
SWT Anthracite Pressure Drop Graph
PRESSURE DROP — The graph above shows the expected pressure loss per foot of bed depth as a function of flow rate at various temperatures.
SWT Anthracite Backwash Graph
BACKWASH — After each cycle the media bed should be backwashed at a rate that expands the bed 20 to 40 percent.
For safety and handling purposes, we recommend appropriate protective measures when entering a wet vessel containing granular activated carbon, because wet activated carbon depletes oxygen from air and therefore, dangerously low levels of oxygen may be encountered. In such a case, the oxygen level inside the vessel shall be determined before entering and appropriate protective equipment should be worn when entering, or leave the vessel open until the oxygen level in the vessel is normal.
  Angular design specific for water treatment  
  Tight screen control for minimum attrition  
  All sizes available  
  International shipping  
  Available in 1 cubic foot bags/palletized or 2,000 lb. supersack  
Part Number
   Anthracite #1
   Anthracite #1.5
   Anthracite #2
US Standard Mesh Size
   Anthracite #1
   Anthracite #1.5
   Anthracite #2
14 x 30 (0.6-0.8 mm)
10 x 20 (0.85-0.95 mm)
4 x 12 (1.7-4.0 mm)
Color Black
Apparent Specific Gravity 1.65 ± 0.05
Hardness 3.0 to 3.8 (Mohs scale)
Attrition Losses Minimal
Source of Material Eastern Middle Field Mammoth Vein USA
Acid Solubility
(Per AWWA B100-80)
1% maximum
Caustic Solubility
(1% NaOH @ 190°F)
1% maximum
Uniformity Coefficient 1.7 maximum
(unless otherwise specified)
Net Weight 52 lb / cu.ft.
Packaging 1 cu.ft. bag or
2,000 lb. supersack
Service Flow Rate 5 gpm/sq.ft. minimum
Bed Depth
  ( Multi-bed filter )
24 to 36 inches
  ( 10 to 18 inches )
Freeboard 50% minimum
Backwash Rate
   Anthracite #1
   Anthracite #1.5
   Anthracite #2
12 to 18 gpm/sq.ft. @ 60ºF
18 to 25 gpm/sq.ft. @ 60ºF
Use air scour
Backwash Bed Expansion 20 to 40% of bed depth
Hydrogen 2.1%
Carbon 94.7%
Nitrogen 0.8%
Oxygen 1.6%
Sulfur 0.8%

B.T.U. 14,828
View SWT Filtration Media Guide
This information has been gathered from standard materials and or test data that is believed to be accurate and reliable. Nothing herein shall be determined to be a warranty or representation expressed or implied with respect to the use of such information or the use of the goods described for any particular purpose alone or in combination with other goods or processes, or that their use does not conflict with existing patent rights. No license is granted to practice any patented invention. It is solely for your consideration, investigation and verification.
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Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
996 Bluff City Boulevard
Elgin, IL 60120 USA
Telephone: +1.847.888.6900
Facsimile: +1.847.888.6924

Last Updated: February 28, 2025