Specialty Resin
swtwater.com ProBlend™ Nuclear Grade
High Efficiency Mixed-Bed Resin
ProBlend™ NG-HE (P/N ER30001) — We took our ProSoft™ Premium softening resin and our ProSelect™ General Purpose anion exchange resin and mixed them together to make one of the highest capacity bulk demineralizers available. ProBlend™ Nuclear Grade High Efficiency Mixed-Bed Resin is specially suited for optimum performance and low cost regeneration. It is simply the best value for the dollar.
Portable Exchange D.I. (PEDI)
Potable Water
Demineralizer applications requiring high resistivity and low amine odor
ProBlend NG-HE Pressure Drop Graph
PRESSURE DROP — The graph above shows the expected pressure loss per foot of bed depth as a function of flow rate at various temperatures.
ProBlend NG-HE Backwash Graph
BACKWASH — The backwash step is used to separate the components prior to regeneration and to remove particles. The separation is optimized at a bed expansion of 50 to 75 percent.
CAUTION: DO NOT MIX ION EXCHANGE RESINS WITH STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS. Nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents can cause explosive reactions when mixed with organic materials such as ion exchange resins.
ProBlend™, ProSoft™, and ProSelect™ are trademarks of Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
  Conforms to paragraph 21 CFR173.25 of the Food Additives Regulations of the FDA  
  Highest operating capacity  
  Low amine odor throw  
  Superior organic fouling resistance  
Part Number ER30001
Functional Structure
  Cation (Hydrogen Form)
  Anion (Hydroxyl Form)
RSO3-H+ (Gel)
R4N+OH- (Type 2 Gel)
Physical Form Spherical beads
Screen Size Distribution
  + 16 mesh (US Std.)
  – 50 mesh (US Std.)
5% maximum
2% maximum
pH Range 0 to 14
Moisture Content
(as shipped)
50% maximum
Approx. Ship. Wt. 44 lb/cu.ft.
Volume Ratio (as shipped)
Total Capacity
  Cation (Na+ form)
  Anion (Cl- form)
1.95 meq/mL min.
1.45 meq/mL min.
Maximum Temperature
140°F (60°C)
95°F (35°C)
Operating Flow Rate (Typical) 2 to 10 gpm/cu.ft.
Backwash Rate
  50% Bed Exp. @60°F
(See graph left)
  3.3 gpm/sq.ft.
Pressure Drop See graph left
Effluent Quality 15 megohm minimum
Percent Conversions to Ionic Form
  Cation H
  Anion OH
  Cl + SO4
99% minimum
90% minimum**
10% maximum
** (see note below)
* 6 month typical resin life at 140°F.
Hydroxides and CO3 levels measured immediately after production and may change during storage and shipment due to adsorption of CO2 from the atmosphere.
SWT Ion Exchange Resin Guide
This information has been gathered from standard materials and or test data that is believed to be accurate and reliable. Nothing herein shall be determined to be a warranty or representation expressed or implied with respect to the use of such information or the use of the goods described for any particular purpose alone or in combination with other goods or processes, or that their use does not conflict with existing patent rights. No license is granted to practice any patented invention. It is solely for your consideration, investigation and verification.
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Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
996 Bluff City Boulevard
Elgin, IL 60120 USA
Telephone: +1.847.888.6900
Facsimile: +1.847.888.6924
E-mail: info@swtwater.com

Last Updated: January 24, 2025