Non-Backwash Filters Non-Backwash Filter Matrix
SWT's Non-Backwash Filter Flow Diagram
SWT's Non-Backwash Filters typically feature a composite tank with polypropylene liner, SWT's Cyclonic Distributor System (CDS), machined PVC tank head with choice of connections, and choice of filtration media. Slotted riser tubes, basket risers, hub & lateral systems, and upper screen/diffusers also available.

Related Systems:
Carbon Filters
SuperCat Filters
Sediment Filters
MetalEase Filters
MetalEase-AS Filters
SWT's Non-Backwash Filters are available by customer design (see Part Number Matrixes below) or by SWT design. To get you started, here are some basic descriptions of SWT's most popular non-backwash filters and the part number matrix used to create your own part numbers and impress us with your know-how.
Non-Backwash Carbon Filters (CFN) are built utilizing SWT's ProActive™ carbon— the best grade of non-viscous, coal/coconut based, virgin, steam activated carbon available. These units are designed to be taste, odor, chlorine, color, and chemical reduction filters.
Non-Backwash SuperCat™ Carbon Filters (SCFN) are built utilizing SWT's ProActive SuperCat carbon—the best grade of highly reactive, steam activated, coconut shell carbon available. These units are designed to be 30% more reactive than other catalyzing carbon filters. They are specially designed to break down monochloramines that pass through standard carbon filters.
Non-Backwash Sediment Filters (FFN) are built utilizing SWT's FilterEase™ filtration media. These units are designed to remove ferric iron, silt, and turbidity, and are preferred when water flow rates and pressures are limited. Sediment filtration as low as 10 to 20 micron is common.
Non-Backwash Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide, Manganese Filters (MFN) are built utilizing SWT's MetalEase™ filtration media as the primary layer. These chemical-free filters are designed to remove dissolved metals (such as iron), silt, and turbidity from water.
Non-Backwash Arsenic Filters (MFN-AS) are built utilizing SWT's MetalEase-AS™ (Advanced Structure) filtration media as the primary layer. These chemical-free filters are designed to remove arsenic and additional dissolved metals from water.
Empty Non-Backwash Filters (EFN) are built with all of the same great features as the above systems, but with none of the media inside.
Ordering Information for Non-Backwash Systems Containing Filtration Media
Part Number Matrix:
(FM) (CF) – (IO) – (TS) – (CDS) – (AS)
(FM) Filter Media
CFN = Carbon
SCFN = SuperCat Carbon
FFN = FilterEase
MFN = MetalEase or MetalEase-AS *

(CF) Quantity of Media Cubic Feet
3-digit number
050 = 1/2 cu.ft.
075 = 3/4 cu.ft.
200 = 2 cu.ft.

(IO) In/Out Connection Size
025 = 1/4 inch
050 = 1/2 inch
075 = 3/4 inch
100 = 1 inch
125 = 1-1/4 inch
150 = 1-1/2 inch
(TS) Tank Size
4-digit number
0844 = 8 x 44
1054 = 10 x 54
3072 = 30 x 72

(CDS) Cyclonic Distributor System
Add to Part Number if filter includes SWT's Cyclonic Distributor System.

(AS) For MetalEase-AS Systems Only
* Add to Part Number if filter includes MetalEase-AS filtration media.

CFN175-100-1047-CDS is a carbon filter with 1-3/4 cu.ft. carbon, 1 inch in/out connections, 10 x 47 tank with Cyclonic Distributor System.
Ordering Information for Empty Non-Backwash Systems
Part Number Matrix:
EFN (TS) – (IO)
(TS) Tank Size
4-digit number
0844 = 8 x 44
1054 = 10 x 54
3072 = 30 x 72
(IO) In/Out Connection Size
025 = 1/4 inch
050 = 1/2 inch
075 = 3/4 inch
100 = 1 inch
125 = 1-1/4 inch
150 = 1-1/2 inch
EFN1665-100 is an empty non-backwash filter with 16 x 65 tank and 1 inch connections.
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Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
996 Bluff City Boulevard
Elgin, IL 60120 USA
Telephone: +1.847.888.6900
Facsimile: +1.847.888.6924

Last Updated: January 24, 2025