News Report  

A new report by the President’s Cancer Panel recommends home use of filtering systems as a method to prevent the ingestion of carcinogens. WQA issued a press release today directing reporters to this finding. You may also wish to use this official recommendation in your own communication to your customer base.

Click here to read the report. (Note: Home water filtration recommendation can be found in “Annual Report 2008-2009”, on page 111).

Press Release
For Immediate Release — May 17, 2010

President’s anti-cancer panel recommends home filtered water

Says systems can decrease exposure to carcinogens

Lisle, Illinois — In its official annual report, the President’s Cancer Panel is recommending that people use home filtering devices to decrease exposure to cancer-causing agents.

“This reaffirms what independent testing shows,” said Peter J. Censky, executive director of the Water Quality Association. “Home water treatment is a proven final barrier against many harmful chemicals.”

The report is entitled “Reducing Environmental Cancer Risks: What We Can Do Now.” In it, the panel states, “Individuals and families have many opportunities to reduce or eliminate chemical exposures. For example, filtering home tap water or well water can decrease exposure to numerous known or suspected carcinogens or endocrine-disrupting chemicals.”

The President’s Cancer Panel is a three-person body that reports to the President of the United States on the development and execution of the National Cancer Program. Members serve three-year terms, and at least two of the three panel members must be distinguished scientists or physicians. The President appoints one of the members to a one-year chair position.

In addition to cancer-causing agents, water quality experts are examining other emerging contaminants, such as those found in personal care products and pesticides. Many of these are endocrine disrupting chemicals which interfere with normal hormonal function. WQA provides Gold Seal certification for products that remove a variety of contaminants.

Consumers can learn about different treatment systems and find locally certified dealers by visiting the WQA Web site’s Gold Seal and Find A Water Professional features. The Gold Seal program uses independently developed standards to certify devices. A copy of the panel’s report can be obtained at

“President's anti-cancer panel recommends home filtered water.” WQA Press Release.
17 May 2010. Water Quality Association.

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Last Updated: January 22, 2025