Specialty Resin
swtwater.com ProSelect™ Tannin
ProSelect™ Tannin (P/N ER20001) is the choice for color, organics, and tannin contaminated waters. It works as an organic screen, either as a stand-alone prefilter for a softener, or in some applications as a media which is simply added to an existing softener. ProSelect Tannin will sit on top of the existing softening bed to protect it and remove organic (heme) iron as well. ProSelect Tannin is iron resistant, regenerates with salt, and is the resin of choice for heme iron applications.
Remove Naturally Occurring Organics
Remove Tannin
Remove Organic Color
ER20001 Pressure Drop Graph
PRESSURE DROP — The graph above shows the expected pressure loss per foot of bed depth as a function of flow rate at various temperatures.
ER20001 Backwash Graph
BACKWASH — After each cycle the resin bed should be backwashed at a rate that expands the bed 25 to 50 percent. The graph above shows the expansion characteristics as a function of flow rate at various temperatures.
ER20001 Backwash Graph
CAPACITY — The graph above is based on 2 gpm/cu.ft. flow rate, pH near neutral, and 36 inch minimum bed depth. Capacity is for TOC plus sulfate. No engineering downgrade has been applied.
SWT Ion Exchange Resin Guide
Iron Removal Comparison Chart
ProSelect™ is a trademark of Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
  Complies with USDA & FDA regulations (paragraph 21 CFR173.25) for potable water applications *  
  Reversible exchange of organics  
  Superior physical stability  
  Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61  
* Prior to first use for potable water, resin should be backwashed for a minimum of 20 minutes, followed by 10 bed volumes of downflow rinse.
Part Number ER20001
Polymer Structure Styrene/DVB
Functional Group Trimethylamine
Physical Form Spherical beads
Resin Color Amber
Ionic Form (as shipped) Chloride
Total Capacity
  Chloride Form
0.65 meq/mL minimum
Water Retention
  Chloride Form
70 to 80%
Screen Size Distribution 20 to 50 (U.S. mesh)
Fines Content (<50 mesh) 1% maximum
Sphericity 93% minimum
Uniformity Coefficient 1.6 approximate
Approx. Ship. Wt. 41 lb/cu.ft.
Max Continuous Temperature
  Chloride Form
170°F (77°C
Minimum Bed Depth 24 inches
Pressure Loss (See graph left) 20 psi maximum
Backwash Rate (See graph left) 25 to 50%
Operating pH Range 4 to 10 SU
Regenerant Concentration †
  Salt Cycle
  Optional Hydroxide Addition
5 to 10% NaCl
0.1 to 0.5% NaOH
Regenerant Level 10 lbs/cu.ft. minimum
Regenerant Flow Rate 0.1 to 0.5 gpm/cu.ft.
Regenerant Contact Time 60 minutes minimum
Displacement Flow Rate Same as Dilution Flow
Displacement Volume 10 to 15 gal/cu.ft.
Rinse Flow Rate Same as Service Flow
Rinse Volume 35 to 60 gal/cu.ft.
Service Flow Rate
  Average Flow
  Peak Flow
1 to 2 gpm/cu.ft.
7 gpm/cu.ft. maximum
NOTE: Physical properties can be certified on a per lot basis, available upon request.
† CAUTION: DO NOT MIX ION EXCHANGE RESINS WITH STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS. Nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents can cause explosive reactions when mixed with organic materials such as ion exchange resins.
This information has been gathered from standard materials and or test data that is believed to be accurate and reliable. Nothing herein shall be determined to be a warranty or representation expressed or implied with respect to the use of such information or the use of the goods described for any particular purpose alone or in combination with other goods or processes, or that their use does not conflict with existing patent rights. No license is granted to practice any patented invention. It is solely for your consideration, investigation and verification.
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Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
996 Bluff City Boulevard
Elgin, IL 60120 USA
Telephone: +1.847.888.6900
Facsimile: +1.847.888.6924
E-mail: info@swtwater.com

Last Updated: January 23, 2025