Underdrain Assemblies
swtwater.com Water’s Edge™
Distribution System Kits for Flanged Tanks
Water’s Edge™ Distributor System Kits are custom tailored to meet your specific application needs. Our design engineering expertise and more than 30 years experience ensure that you get the best distribution solution available.
SWT Distributor System Kit for Tanks with Top & Bottom Flanged Openings
SWT’s Water’s Edge Distributor System Kits for Flanged Tanks are fabricated from non-corrosive FDA and NSF approved materials for use in softeners, dealkalizers, carbon filters, sediment filters, iron filters, and multimedia filters. They are recommended for use with Aquamatic-style valve nests and side-mounted valves or simple flow-through filtration.

Water’s Edge Distributor Systems are extra strong and durable for use with heavy filtration medias (gravel, sand, garnet) and can be used with a variety of regenerants including salt, caustics, acids, chlorine, etc. The collection screens (laterals) have 0.010 standard slotting for use with 50 mesh filter media or larger. They are designed to spread flow evenly across the filter bed to eliminate dead zones and to provide proper and even lift and separation during backwash.
Technical Specifications
Max. Recommended Operating Temperature: 140°F (60°C)
Max Recommended Operating Pressure: 150 psi
ΔP @ 5 ft./sec. Velocity: ≤ 3 psi
Standard Materials of Construction: PVC, EPDM
Available Materials of Construction: CPVC, Polypropylene, PVDF, PTFE,
        HDPE, ABS, Nylon, Acetal, etc.
Slot Widths (for as small as 70 mesh media):
        0.008 inch (0.203 mm)
        0.010 inch (0.254 mm) – Standard
        0.012 inch (0.305 mm)
        0.016 inch (0.406 mm)
        0.020 inch (0.508 mm)
        0.032 inch (0.813 mm)
        0.125 inch (3.175 mm)
Features and Benefits
Fabricated from non-corrosive FDA and NSF approved materials
Flow rates up to 300 gpm available
Flow patterns from 3.5 to 20 gpm/sq.ft.
Resistant to brine, acid, caustics, chlorine, chloramine, bacteria, oxidation
Solid bar stock and Schedule 80 pipe construction ensures maximum reliability
Ideal for use in softeners, dealkalizers, GAC, sediment, iron & multimedia filters
Available for tanks from 18 to 63 inch diameter
Customizing available
Designed to spread flow evenly across the filter bed to eliminate dead zones
Provides proper and even lift and separation during backwash
Water’s Edge DS Kits for Flanged Tanks — Common Assemblies
SM-DSF1815 18 x 65 1.5 6 (3/4 inch)
SM-DSF2115 21 x 62 1.5 8 (3/4 inch)
SM-DSF2415 24 x 65 1.5 8 (3/4 inch)
SM-DSF242 24 x 72 2 8 (3/4 inch)
SM-DSF302 30 x 72 2 12 (3/4 inch)
SM-DSF3025 30 x 72 2.5 12 (3/4 inch)
SM-DSF362 36 x 72 2 12 (3/4 inch)
SM-DSF3625 36 x 72 2.5 12 (3/4 inch)
SM-DSF422 42 x 72 2 16 (1 inch)
SM-DSF4225 42 x 72 2.5 16 (1 inch)
SM-DSF423 42 x 72 3 16 (1 inch)
SM-DSF482 48 x 72 2 16 (1 inch)
SM-DSF4825 48 x 72 2.5 16 (1 inch)
SM-DSF483 48 x 72 3 16 (1 inch)
SM-DSF484 48 x 72 4 16 (1 inch)
SM-DSF633 63 x 86 3 20 (1 to 1.25 inch)
SM-DSF634 63 x 86 4 20 (1 to 1.25 inch)
SM-DSF634-CUSTOM 63 x 86 4 21 (1 inch)
Custom sizes, configurations, and materials are our specialty. Contact SWT with your requirements.
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Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
996 Bluff City Boulevard
Elgin, IL 60120 USA
Telephone: +1.847.888.6900
Facsimile: +1.847.888.6924
E-mail: info@swtwater.com

Last Updated: January 23, 2025