Softening Resin ProSoft™ ER10011-NA
ProSoft™ ER10011-NA (P/N ER10011-NA) is a premium grade, high capacity, weak acid gel type cation resin supplied in the sodium form (also available in hydrogen form) as moist, tough, uniform, spherical beads. Ion exchange activity is based on its carboxylic functional group. ER10011-NA is intended for use in dealkalization, deionization, and chemical processing applications.
Can be used to remove cations associated with alkalinity in multiple bed demineralizers.

Can be operated as a softener, in the sodium cycle. This requires a two stage regeneration using a strong acid first stage to remove multivalent ions from the bed followed by a neutralization rinse with an alkali.

Bicarbonate alkalinity associated with multivalent cations such as hardness can be effectively removed using the hydrogen form. When operated in this manner both hardness and alkalinity are removed. The reaction is limited by the amount of alkalinity and the ratio of hardness (multivalent cations) to alkalinity.
(See the Alkalinity graphs below.)
NOTE: Click on graphs below to enlarge.
ER10011-NA Pressure Drop Graph
PRESSURE DROP — The graph above shows the expected pressure loss per foot of bed depth as a function of flow rate at various temperatures.
ER10011-NA Backwash Graph
BACKWASH — After each cycle the resin bed should be backwashed at a rate that expands the bed 50 to 75 percent. This will remove any foreign matter and reclassify the bed.
The following three graphs show the base operating capacity according to the ratio of hardness to alkalinity, and the effects of exhaustion flow rate and temperature to a 10% alkalinity leakage endpoint.
ProSoft ER10011-NA Ratio of Hardness to Alkalinity Effect on Capacity Graph
ProSoft ER10011-NA Flow Rate Effect on Capacity Graph
ProSoft ER10011-NA Temperature Effect on Capacity Graph
    Features & Benefits:    
  High capacity—Over 80 kilograins total capacity per cubic foot assures maximum operating efficiency and capacity compared with other carboxylic type resins.  
  Carboxylic functional groups—Gives extremely high regeneration efficiencies and high operating capacities.  
  Highly uniform particle size—16 to plus 50 mesh range; gives a lower pressure drop while maintaining superior kinetics.  
  Superior physical stability—90% plus sphericity together with a uniform gel structure and a very uniform particle size provide greater resistance to bead breakage.  
  Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61  
Part Number ER10011-NA
Polymer Structure Acrylic/Divinylbenzene
Functional Group R-(COOH)-
Ionic Form (as shipped) Sodium or Hydrogen
Physical Form Tough, spherical beads
Screen Size Distribution
  + 16 mesh (US Std.)
  – 50 mesh (US Std.)
16 to 50
  < 10 percent
  < 1 percent
pH Range 0 to 14
Sphericity 90+ percent
Water Retention 53 to 58 percent
Solubility Insoluble
Approx. Ship. Wt.
  Sodium Form
  Hydrogen Form
44 lb/cu.ft.
47 lb/cu.ft.
Swelling H+ to Na+ Approx. 100 percent
Total Capacity
  Sodium Form
  Hydrogen Form
2.0 meq/mL
> 4.0 meq/mL
Maximum Temperature 250°F (121°C)
Minimum Bed Depth 30 inches
Service Flow Rate 2 to 5 gpm/cu.ft.
Backwash Rate
  (See graph left)
50 to 75 percent Bed Expansion
Regenerant Concentration *
1 to 4 percent
0.8 to 8 percent
Regenerant Flow Rate 0.3 to 0.75 gpm/cu.ft.
Regenerant Contact Time 30 minutes minimum
Regenerant Level Depends on Alkalinity
Displacement Rinse Rate Same as Regenerant Flow Rate
Displacement Rinse Volume 10 to 15 gal/cu.ft.
Fast Rinse Rate Same as Service Flow Rate
Fast Rinse Volume 35 to 60 gal/cu.ft.
* CAUTION: DO NOT MIX ION EXCHANGE RESINS WITH STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS. Nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents can cause explosive reactions when mixed with organic materials such as ion exchange resins.
SWT Ion Exchange Resin Guide
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ProSoft™ is a trademark of Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
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Last Updated: January 24, 2025