Filtration Media ProActive™ 20 x 50
Coconut Shell Carbon
ProActive™ 20 x 50 Coconut Shell Carbon (P/N IT50003C) is designed specifically for high-efficiency water purification. It is manufactured from coconut shells by high-temperature steam activation under rigidly controlled conditions.
The physical characteristics of ProActive 20 x 50 Coconut Shell Carbon, including its high microporosity, superior hardness, and low dust make it an ideal choice for point-of-use and point-of-entry filtration applications, as well as industrial applications with stringent water purity requirements. The carbon is especially effective for adsorbing trace organic compounds such as THMs and pesticides, chlorine and disinfection by-products. It is NSF Certified.
For safety and handling purposes, we recommend appropriate protective measures when entering a wet vessel containing granular activated carbon, because wet activated carbon depletes oxygen from air and therefore, dangerously low levels of oxygen may be encountered. In such a case, the oxygen level inside the vessel shall be determined before entering and appropriate protective equipment should be worn when entering, or leave the vessel open until the oxygen level in the vessel is normal.
ProActive™ is a trademark of Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
  High adsorption capacity and efficiency  
  Super durability that stands up well to backwash  
  Highly developed pore structure  
  Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61  
Part Number IT50003C
US Standard Mesh Size
  — Greater than 20
  — Less than 50
20 x 50
  10% maximum
  5% maximum
Iodine Number 1000 mg/g minimum
Total Ash 2% maximum
Apparent Density, Dry 0.43 to 0.53 g/cc typical
pH Range, Dry 9 to 11 typical
Moisture Retention 5% maximum
Shipping Weight 29 to 31 lb/cu.ft.
Packaging 1 cu.ft. bags
1 cu.ft. boxes
1 cu.ft. drums
7 cu.ft. drums
42 cu.ft. supersacks
View SWT Filtration Media Guide
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Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
996 Bluff City Boulevard
Elgin, IL 60120 USA
Telephone: +1.847.888.6900
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Last Updated: January 24, 2025