Filtration Media Filter-Ox™ Filtration Media
GreensandPlus™ Equivalent
Filter-Ox (P/N FILTER-OX) is a highly effective filter media capable of reducing iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide from water through oxidation and filtration. Soluble iron and manganese are oxidized and precipitated by contact with the catalytic coating on the Filter-Ox granules. The hydrogen sulfide is oxidized to an insoluble sulfur precipitate. Precipitates are then filtered and removed by backwashing. Made in USA.
Filter-Ox is an engineered media that utilizes a super high purity manganese dioxide coating bonded to a durable, lightweight silica substrate. Manganese dioxide is a powerful oxidizer and Filter-Ox contains more manganese dioxide than other manganese based filter medias. Manufactured in the USA, Filter-Ox contains almost no fines and does not require long initial backwash times. A standard sterilization treatment using chlorine is all that is needed at start up.
Filter-Ox Pressure Drop Graph
PRESSURE DROP — The graph above shows the expected pressure loss per foot of bed depth as a function of flow rate at various temperatures.
Filter-Ox Backwash Graph
BACKWASH — The graph above shows the expansion characteristics as a function of flow rate at various temperatures.
Catalytic Oxidation (CO) operation is recommended in applications where iron removal is the main objective in well waters with or without the presence of manganese. This method involves the feeding of a predetermined amount of chlorine (Cl2) or other strong oxidant directly to the raw water before the Filter-Ox filter. Chlorine should be fed at least 10 to 20 seconds upstream of the filter, or as far upstream of the filter as possible to insure adequate contact time. A free chlorine residual carried through the filter will maintain Filter-Ox.

Untreated water should periodically be monitored for raw water parameters. Treated water should periodically be monitored for manganese, iron, and hydrogen sulfide shortly before a regeneration and immediately after a regeneration to monitor how the filter system is functioning. Elevated treated water concentrations before regeneration may mean that the filter media reduction capacity has been exceeded. Take corrective actions as necessary. Low pH or high pH are the most likely conditions leading to media destruction.
  Iron reduction over wide pH range  
  Effective reduction of hydrogen sulfide in addition to iron and/or manganese  
  No harmful effects from a chlorine feed  
  Low attrition for long bed life  
  Made in USA  
  Certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61  
Part Number FILTER-OX
Color Gray to black granules
Particle Shape Sub-angular
Effective Size 0.52 mm
Uniformity Coefficient 1.51
Moisture <1%
1000μm x 354μm Mesh Size 18 x 45
18M Retain (1000μm) <3%
20M Retain (841μm) 10%
30M Retain (595μm) 64%
40M Retain (400μm) 22%
70M Retain (210μm) <1%
Bulk Density 84 lb per cu.ft.
Packaging 1/2 cu.ft. bags
(48 bags per pallet)
Water pH 6.8
Water Temperature 100°F (38°C) maximum
Bed Depth 30 inches
Freeboard 40% minimum
Service Flow Rate 2 to 12 gpm/sq.ft. continuous
Backwash Flow Rate 12 gpm/sq.ft. @ 55ºF
(warmer waters require higher flow rates)
Free Chlorine Concentration <0.5 ppm
Continuous regeneration using chlorine feed or air are recommended
mg/l Cl2 (1x mg/l Fe) + (3x mg/l Mn)
Air draw or air injection
Use an injector size that is two sizes larger than a typical softener application
Draw/slow rinse time greater than 50 minutes
Downflow rinse (fast rinse) 4 minutes minimum
Filter-Ox Comparison Chart
View SWT Filtration Media Guide
Iron Removal Comparison Chart
This product contains crystalline silica which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and other substances which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and reproductive harm.
This filter media does not remove or kill bacteria. Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system.
This information has been gathered from standard materials and or test data that is believed to be accurate and reliable. Nothing herein shall be determined to be a warranty or representation expressed or implied with respect to the use of such information or the use of the goods described for any particular purpose alone or in combination with other goods or processes, or that their use does not conflict with existing patent rights. No license is granted to practice any patented invention. It is solely for your consideration, investigation and verification.
Filter-Ox™ is a trademark of Clack Corporation.
GreensandPlus™ is a trademark of The Inversand Company.
NSF Certified Logo
Certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN Std. 61
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Safe Water Technologies, Inc.
996 Bluff City Boulevard
Elgin, IL 60120 USA
Telephone: +1.847.888.6900
Facsimile: +1.847.888.6924

Last Updated: January 24, 2025